API St 976:2018 pdf free download

API St 976:2018 pdf free download

API St 976:2018 pdf free download.Refractory Installation Quality Control— Inspection and Testing of AES/RCF Fiber Linings and Materials
4 Responsibilities
Owner/EM 4.1
4.1.1 The owner/EM shall provide a detailed specification based on manufacturer design technology. The specification shall include the following design details:
— lining products,
— construction,
— thickness,
— method of application,
— extent of coverage,
— anchor materials,
— geometry,
— layout, and
— weld details.
The owner/EM shall provide a plan for stiffening and protecting installed linings during the handling and transport of pre-lined components subject to the owner’s approval.
The owner/EM shall approve the engineering drawings and project execution plan prior to any installation activity. The engineering design is unique for each manufacturer.
The owner/EM shall clearly define mock-up requirements to be completed before work is to be executed.
4.1.2 The owner/EM shall provide an inspector(s) for the refractory installation work who has minimum competencies that are appropriate for the required work scope.
NOTE Annex B lists suggested refractory inspector minimum competencies.
4.1.3 The owner/EM shall resolve the following items:
a) exceptions, substitutions, and deviations to the requirements of any execution plan, this standard, and other referenced documents, and
b) work deficiencies discovered and submitted by the inspector.
Installer 4.2
4.2.1 The installer shall prepare detailed execution and quality plans in accordance with this standard and the requirements of the owner/EM specification and quality standard. The execution plan shall be submitted for the owner/EM approval, and agreed to in full before work starts. At a minimum, the installer shall:
a) designate responsible parties,
b) designate inspection hold points and the required advance notification to be given to the inspector,
c) prepare and submit ITPs,
d) document procedures for surface preparation, anchor layout, and welding (when anchor welding is within installer’s work scope),
e) document procedures for material storage, installation, and quality control,
f) document provisions for evaluating fiber damage due to wetting before or after installation, and
g) document field records for design/procedures with the actual layout drawing shown in the execution plan.
4.2.2 The installer shall submit a procedure for prequalification of materials, installation personnel, and equipment to the Owner/EM. The installer shall be responsible for completing the qualifications prior to the start of installation and informing the inspector of where and where the work will take place so that the inspector can witness and document the results.
4.2.3 The installer shall clearly identify to the Owner/EM all exceptions, substitutions, and deviations to the requirements of the execution plan, this standard, and other referenced documents. Owner/EM approval
shall be secured before implementation of the changes.
4.2.4 The installer shall give advance notification to the owner/EM of all times and locations where work
will take place so that this information can be passed on to the inspector.
4.2.5 The installer shall execute installation work.
4.2.6 The installer shall provide the inspector verified documentation of installation records, including:
a) product(s) being applied;
b) pallet code numbers and location where applied;
c) installation crew members; and
d) weather conditions and any other unusual conditions or occurrences.
4.2.7 The installer shall be accountable for installed refractories meeting specified standards.
Inspector 4.3
4.3.1 The inspector shall monitor production work to ensure compliance with job specifications and agreed-to quality practices.
4.3.2 The inspector shall notify the owner/EM and the contractor of any work deficiencies. Notification shall be made according to the job-specific requirements outlined in the procedures. The owner/EM shall be notified in writing within one working day after the discovery of the deficiency.
4.3.3 The inspector shall not make engineering decisions unless approved by the owner/EM. Conflicts between the specified execution plan and the actual installation procedures shall be submitted to the owner/EM for resolution.
4.3.4 The inspector shall verify the style, layout, and composition of anchors, and that the anchors are installed in accordance with the project requirements and that welds are sound.API St 976 pdf download.API St 976:2018 pdf free download

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