API SPEC 20F:2018 pdf free download

API SPEC 20F:2018 pdf free download

API SPEC 20F:2018 pdf free download.Corrosion-resistant Bolting for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
5.3 Material Specifications
5.3.1 The bolting manufacturer shall prepare and document raw material requirements in the form of a material specification. Material specifications shall include the following items as applicable per the referenced API, ASTM, SAE AMS, NAC/ISO standards, or OEM or bolting manufacturer’s purchasing specification:
a) material grade, including element chemistry and allowable ranges;
b) acceptable melt practices and ladle refinement;
c) acceptable hot work reduction range (not required for cold-reduced UNS R30035 material);
d) acceptable microstructure (applicable to alloys covered by API 6ACRA only);
e) heat treatment requirements, including mill heat treatments;
f) mechanical properties;
g) acceptable inspection practices and criteria, as applicable per BSL.
5.3.2 The bolting manufacturer shall document acceptance of incoming raw material to the requirements of the material specification prior to use in the production of bolting.
5.4 Manufacturing Process Specification
General 5.4.1
The bolting manufacturer shall prepare an MPS to include, at a minimum, allowable levels for all bolting manufacturing parameters, including the process control variables listed in 5.4.2, the forging/hot heading parameters listed in 5.4.3, and the heat treatment parameters listed in 5.4.4.
The requirements of Annex B shall be followed during processing.
General Variables 5.4.2
The following are general variables, as applicable:
a) heading equipment;
b) hot-forming heating method;
c) hot-forming temperature control method;
d) heat treating equipment and processes;
e) machining and threading equipment: single point (lathe), multiple chaser, roll, cutting tap; form tap;
f) machining and threading control methods;
h) outsourced activity supplier (name and address).
Forging/Hot Heading Parameters 5.4.3
The following are forging/hot heading parameters, as applicable;
a) equipment;
b) heating method (furnace, induction);
c) temperature control (thermocouple, optical, or infrared pyrometer, fail safe cut-off);
d) times and temperatures; and
e) dimensional control.
Heat Treatment Parameters 5.4.4
The following are heat treatement parameters, as applicable:
a) equipment (batch, continuous);
b) times and temperatures;
c) cooling media (e.g. type, polymer concentration, quench temperature, agitation);
d) control and calibration methods;
e) furnace load diagram or photo. For mill heat treated products, this requirement is waived, provided that the bolting manufacturer has performed first article evaluation in accordance with 5.1 .2 a) 2). BSL-2 and BSL-3 Requirements 5.4.
5 Forging and hot heading shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s standard procedure. Heat treatment shall be in accordance with the relevant API, NACE/ISO, or ASTM standard. Heat treatment of API 6ACRA material shall be performed and qualified after the material’s final hot-forming operation. Heat treatment equipment qualification and calibration, temperature monitoring, solution annealing, and age hardening times and temperatures shall be in accordance with the requirements of API Standard 6ACRA. Heat treatment of ASTM A453 660 Class D shall be in accordance with ASTM A453. Heat treatment of UNS R30035 shall be in accordance with NACE MR01 75-3/ISO 1 51 56-3. Furnace qualification shall be in accordance with API 6A, SAE AMS 2750, or SAE AMS H-6875. Solution annealing and aging furnace tolerance shall be +/- 25 °F. Manufacturing processes shall be performed so as to avoid the introduction of stress risers that can occur from sharp angles and tool marks. Threads may be cut or rolled. Thread form shall be UN for internal threads and UNR for external threads, per ANSI/ASME B1 .1 . The following apply to material not heat treated by the raw material supplier:
a) Furnace loading shall be in accordance with API 6HT, Section 6.3.3.
b) A furnace loading diagram or photo shall be prepared for each load configuration.
c) Temperature shall be monitored using a contact thermocouple or a heat sink placed at the center of the load.
d) Water, oil, and polymer quenching media shall be controlled in accordance with API 6HT.
e) The manufacturer shall have a written forging procedure defining, at a minimum, the parameters defined in 5.4.3. When induction heating is used for forging, the manufacturer’s procedure shall include temperature monitoring equipment and an automatic fail-safe system to prevent overheating.
Plating and Coating 5.4.6 Plating and coating shall be provided only when specified in the purchase agreement. Plating and coating shall be specified in accordance with the industry standard or the purchaser’s specification.
5.5 Raw Material
5.5.1 The metal shall have a fully wrought structure.API SPEC 20F pdf download.API SPEC 20F:2018 pdf free download

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