API MPMS 11.3.3:2019 pdf free download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11.3.3 Miscellaneous Hydrocarbon Product Properties—Denatured Ethanol Density and Volume Correction Factors
4.3 Pressure Correction of Fuel Ethanol For volume correction of fuel ethanol being transferred at elevated pressures, the compressibility of the fuel ethanol should be considered. The experimental program for development of the temperature correction factors did not account for elevated pressures, so no independent data for fuel ethanol exist to demonstrate the differences between fuel ethanol and reagent grade at the denaturant concentrations considered by this standard. Annex E was developed based upon reagent grade ethanol and should be used for applications where pressure corrections are applied. Annex E provides calculation methods for determining the pressure correction factor, CPL, for fuel ethanol. Sections 4.1 and 4.2 provide methods for determining the temperature correction factor, CTL, for fuel ethanol. Taken together the overall volume correction factor, VCF, or correction for temperature and pressure, CTPL, is the product of CTL x CPL.
5 Rounding
5.1 Data Level API MPMS Ch. 12 governs all rounding. As API MPMS Ch. 12.1.1-2012 states, rounding is influenced by the source of the data. For example, if a container’s capacity tables are in whole gallons then all subsequent gallon values should be recorded accordingly. In those cases where there are no other limiting factors (i.e. specific direction by API MPMS Ch. 12 for ethanols), the operator should be guided by Table 1, which is intended for application to bulk liquid quantities. Other considerations may apply for smaller quantities; e.g. while Table 1 recommends the calculated weight of a bulk cargo (say a barge of asphalt) be rounded to whole pounds or kilograms, a user may wish to calculate the weight of a barrel of product to two or three decimal places. The significant digits in Table 1 provide consistency within this standard and may differ slightly from API MPMS Ch. 12.1.1-2012 Table 1.
5.2 Rounding of Numbers Chain calculations should be performed without rounding or truncation. When a calculation result is to be rounded to a specific number of decimals, it shall always be rounded off in one step to the number of figures to be recorded and not rounded in two or more successive steps. When the figure to the right of the last place to be retained is less than five, the figure in the last place retained should be unchanged. When figure to the right of the last place to be retained is five to nine, the figure in the last place should be increased by one. This procedure is also described in ASTM E29.API MPMS 11.3.3 pdf download.API MPMS 11.3.3:2019 pdf free download