API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf free download

API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf free download

API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf free download.RecommendedPracticefor Installation,Maintenance,and Operation of Internal-Combustion Engines
6 GeneralMaintenance
6.1 DAILY INSPECTION Adailyinspection of enginesshould be madebythe pumper or qualifiedengineoperatorwhosbouldalso record eachinspectionperfonned as follows:
6.1.1 CoolantTemperatureand 011 Pressure Beforeshuttingdown. coolanttemperature and oilpressureshould be observedundernormalload. If theengine is adieselequippedwithpyrometers. allcylindersshould be checked. Qleck and record vacuum reading on spade ignition engines.
6.1.2 Lubrication The crankcaseoillevel in bothmainandstartingengines sbould be checked and oil added if needed. Sufficienttime sbould be allowedfortheoil to drainback to thecrankcase from the upperengine paJt8 beforecheckingtheoillevel. Oil should be replacedasrecommended by theenginemanufacturer, or whenit is obviouslythickened, diluted, or dirty beyondnormalconditions. Filterelementssould be replaced and theoilstrainercleanedduringthechange of oil. ormore frequently if sorecommended by theenginemanufacturer. Allpointsrecommendedby the manufacturersasrequiring dailyattentionshouldbechecked, butcaresbouldbeexercised that theproperlubricantsare used and that these points arenotover-lubricated.
6,1.3 CoolingSystem Coolant-watersupplysbouldbechecked, and clean, soft wateraddedas needed. In winter, lostcoolantsbouldbereplacedwiththe proper anti-freezemixture. Thecooling-systemvent-valve, whenprovided, should be openedbefor addingwater and closedafterwater has beenadded. Water showingrustorscummayindicateneedforreplacement of thecleaningsystem, hose, or gaskets. Amanufacturerap- provedcoolingwatertreatmentagentshouldbe used. On aircooledengines. theflywheelairscreen and airintakestack shouldbechecked, and any foreignmaterial removed. If flywheelairscreen or intakestackisverydirty, thefinson heads and cylinderblocksshouldbeinspected, and cleaned if necessary. If cylinderblockfinsarerusty, theyshould be thoroughlycleanedwithawirebrusb.
6.1.4 Air Cleaners Air cleaners on engineair-supply and breatheropenings sbouldbechecked and cleanedasrequiredaccording to the design and condition of thecleaner. Pay particularattention on mrbochugedengines to anyindications of metallicfil- tering media breaking up or holes and breaks in paperelementcleaners.
6.1.5 Fuel-5upplySystem Thefuel-supplysystemsbouldbechecked by drainingthe sumptrapsandstrainers; alsothefuel. . , i11inefilters, if the engineisadiesel. All collections of dirt anddustaround the tankfillercapsandventssbould be removed.
6.1.6 Leaks or Damage Avisualinspectionsbouldbemade of all water. fuel, lubricantlines, fittings, and valvesforindicatins of leaks or damage. Specialattentionsbouldbedirectedtoturbocharger oilandwaterlines, mountings, andairandexhaustline COnnections andseals.
6.1.7 DallyEngineReport Allworkdone, thehours of engineoperation, andthe amounts of oil, anti-freeze, andspeciallubricantsused sbould be recordedonthedailyengine report.
6.1.8 Malfunctioning or NeededRepair Any malfunctioning of theengine or anyneededrepairs sbouldbereportedto the mechanic.
6.2 WEEKLY INSPECTION Thefollowingweeklyinspection of enginesshould be madebythepomper or qualifiedengineoperator, who sbouldalsorecordeachinspectionperformed.
6.2.1 DailyInspectionItems All of thedailyinspectionitemsasgivenin 6. 1 should alsobeperfonned in theweeklyinspecti
6.2.2 Cleaning If necessary, the engine exterior should be thoroughly cleaned with a mild solvent (not gasoline), and compressed air or hot water should be used for flushing and drying. Care should be taken not to wash or blow dirt into inaccessible locations behind filler openings or into ignition or injection equipment; or on air-cooled engines, into the fins on heads and cylinder blocks. Always dry and relubricate governor and control linkage joints after flushing engine.
6.2.3 Water Pump Water-pump scals should be inspected and packing on packed-type pumps should be tightened or replaced, if necessary.
6.2.4 Fan Belts Fan belts should be checked for proper tension and tightened or loosened, if needed.
6.2.5 Lubricatlon of Generator and Accessories The generator should be lubricated with a few drops of oil and the accessories lubricated according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
6.26 Power Take-Off Clutch The power take-off clutch should be lubricated and ad- justed, if required, according to the instructions of the manufacturer, but care should be taken not to over-lubricate.
6.27 Gas Regulators Gas engines should be checked for gas pressure at the pri- mary and final regulators.
6.2.8 Breather Elements All removable breather elements sbould be carefully cleaned and wasbed in mild solvent (not gasoline), and the oil changed on those elements requiring re oiling. Follow in- structions carefully on dry type clement service.
6.2.9 Fuel Stralners Dicsel fuel system strainers should be cleaned and filters replaced if scheduled.
6.3 MONTHLY INSPECTION The following monthly inspection should be performed by an expert mechanic who should aIso record each inspection performed.
6.3.1 Dally and Weekdy Inspectlon items AlI of the daily and weekly inspection items as given in 6.1 and 6.2, respectively, should also be performed in the monthly inspection.
6.3.2 lgnitlon System On spark-ignition engines the following ignition devices, depending upon the type used, should be checked:
a. magneto-point condition and clearance timing
b. the impulse functioning
C. the spark-plug gap and heat range d. the distributor condition with respect to the automatic advance mechanism.API RP 7C-11F pdf download.API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf free download

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