API RP 554-3:2008 pdf free download

API RP 554-3:2008 pdf free download

API RP 554-3:2008 pdf free download.Process Control Systems— Project Execution and Process Control System Ownership
6.4.3 Maintenance Management Systems Many facilities have a centralized maintenance management system that may be used to contain engineering specification data, manufacturer’s data, equipment numbers etc., and which is also generally used to schedule and track maintenance activities and record maintenance and repair records. The applications used and the scope of their use can vary widely from company to company and site to site. The project must identify requirements in this area and establish how these data bases will be populated with new or revised data.
6.5 Procurement Procurement activities consist of solicitation of proposals and selection of suppliers for all engineered and bulk materials required by the scope of a project. Procurement activities should consist of the following general functions.
6.5.1 Engineered Equipment Specifications Engineered equipment requires that the functional and mechanical requirements for the instrumentation or process control system be defined in data sheets, narrative specifications, drawings or a combination of these. Any requests for proposals must have complete specifications provided to be the basis for the proposal. When the scope of engineered equipment includes process control system components, it should be required that the supplier of the equipment adhere to supply and design requirements accepted by the plant. With the exception of specialty or proprietary designs, components that are provided with engineered equipment should be limited to those that are already in general use by the plant or which are the same as those being provided for other portions of the project.
6.5.2 Acceptable Supplier Identification Most owners or operators have a list of preferred or required suppliers for equipment and material. Often these are based upon existing installations, plant familiarity and general procurement agreements that have been established outside of a particular project. The list of acceptable or required suppliers should be prepared for a project. Procurement for the project should be required to adhere to the list unless otherwise provided direction. In some cases, the required suppliers list will require sole source awards based upon the owner or operator’s commercial agreements.
6.5.3 Solicitation of Proposals and Supplier Selection When proposals from prospective suppliers are received, conditioning of those proposals must be performed to obtain a true view of the technical compliance and commercial value of the proposals. This conditioning must properly weight owner or operator’s existing installations and commercial agreements. A low bidder may not be acceptable for a variety of reasons, but a common reason may be that the low bidder is not an existing supplier or does not have a significant installed base, and that the proposal does not offer net value when training, spare parts and other support costs are considered.
6.5.4 Review of Supplier Drawings and Specifications Once an award is made, the supplier is typically required to submit detailed drawings and specifications of the equipment or material to be provided. These drawings need to be reviewed with the intent of verifying that the design meets the requirements, equipment supplied complies with the list of acceptable suppliers and models, and that the supplier has provided sufficient data to allow for design of interfaces to the equipment.API RP 554-3 pdf download.API RP 554-3:2008 pdf free download

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