API STD 6FA:2018 pdf free download

API STD 6FA:2018 pdf free download

API STD 6FA:2018 pdf free download.Standard for Fire Test for Valves
4.4 Test Procedure General
The valve shall be tested with water, with the closure member in the closed position and the stem and bore in the horizontal position. For valves with two or more closure members, the upstream closure member shall be in the closed position, and the other closure member in the open position. For valves with more than one closure member, the flame thermocouples and calorimeter cubes shall be located in the upstream closure member with that closure member in the closed position.
NOTE 1 Thermocouples and calorimeter cubes are not required on the downstream closure member.
NOTE 2 The end connection piping-to-valve joint leakage (flanged, threaded, or welded) is not considered a part of this test and is not included in the allowable external leakage in and for the test.
It may be necessary to modify this joint to eliminate leakage. The valve shall be enveloped in flame having an average temperature from two flame thermocouples between 1 ,400 °F and 1 ,800 °F (761 °C to 980 °C), located as shown in Figure 2 or Figure 3. No single flame thermocouple reading shall be below 1 ,300 °F (704 °C). Piping upstream of the test valve shall not be larger than the test valve nominal size and not be smaller than NPS 1 or one half of nominal pipe size of the test valve whichever smaller for a distance of at least 6 in. (1 52 mm) as shown in Figure 1 .
The upstream piping shall be enveloped in flame for a distance of at least 6 in. (1 52 mm) as shown in Figure 1 . Piping upstream outside of the flame envelope may be smaller diameter, but shall be sufficient diameter to deliver a flow rate in excess of the maximum allowable leak rate for the size of the valve being tested. The pipework downstream of the test valve shall be sufficient diameter to deliver a flow rate in excess of the maximum allowable leak rate for the size of the valve being tested and shall be inclined so that the downstream side is fully drained.
The test setup shall include 1 1 / 2 in. (38 mm) cube calorimeter cubes made of carbon steel, with a thermocouple located in the center of each cube (see Figure 4 for calorimeter cube configuration). For all sizes, the fire exposure period shall be a minimum of 30 minutes from ignition.
If the test valve design includes an integral pressure relief provision to atmosphere or downstream, and it activates during the test, the test shall continue and any leakage through this device shall be counted as external or seat leakage, respectively. If the maximum allowable cavity pressure as defined by the valve manufacturer is exceeded at any time during the test, the test shall end, and the valve shall have failed the requirements of the fire test. Acceptance criteria for leakage rate shall be the average over the duration of the particular test period in milliliters per inch of nominal valve size per minute (milliliters per millimeter of nominal valve size per minute).
High-Pressure Test Procedure The test procedure shall be performed as follows (the specified item numbers are identified in Figure 1 :
NOTE 1 The test system, excluding the test valve, may be adjusted during the test period to keep the test within the limits specified herein.
1 ) Open the valve (Item 5 and Item 6) at the water source, and any necessary vent valves (Item 1 7) to flood the system and purge the air.
NOTE 2 The test valve may have to be placed in the partially open position in order to completely flood the valve body.
2) Close the water supply valve (Item 5) and test valve (Item 1 1 ), then close vent valves (Item 1 7). The piping system upstream of the test valve shall be completely filled with water and the system downstream shall be drained.
3) Pressurize the system to the appropriate high-test pressure from Table 2 or Table 3. Tolerance on all test pressures shall be ±1 0 %. Maintain this pressure during the fire exposure and cool-down period. Momentary pressure losses greater than the tolerance are permissible, provided their cumulative recovery time is less than two minutes. Record the reading on the calibrated sight gauge or equivalent (Item 4). Empty the graduated downstream container (Item 1 9).API STD 6FA pdf download.API STD 6FA:2018 pdf free download

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