API RP 67:2019 pdf free download

API RP 67:2019 pdf free download

API RP 67:2019 pdf free download.Oilfield Explosives Safety
4 General
4.1 Application
Operating companies and/or service companies may establish more stringent and additional policies and procedures, as they deem appropriate for their particular situation(s).
4.2 Human Factors Oilfield explosives safety incident information collected by the Independent Oilfield Forum for Advancement of Well Perforation Technology, www.perforators.org, indicates that human error is the principle cause of accidents and incidents involving explosives. While API does not endorse any particular websites, there are several websites that include explosives incident databases.
To promote safety and safe operations, users are encouraged to anonymously report incidents and near misses, after seeking the advice of their company’s legal counsel. Two such sites are:

Incidents / Near Misses Reports

https://www.safex-international.org/safex/page-incident-information.html Persons who use explosives on a regular basis over a long period of time shall guard against becoming complacent and taking short-cuts in the required operations and procedures.
Established procedures shall be implemented to prevent explosive accidents. It is recognized that in extremely rare and unique circumstances, deviation from these established procedures may be required for operations to progress and thus can be outside the scope of this standard.
Such procedures shall be developed and implemented using process safety management (PSM) or other formal management of change (MOC) protocols to ensure that the new procedure satisfies the level of safety intended by the established procedure it replaces, and that the new procedure is properly implemented with the full knowledge and understanding of all relevant parties. This includes, but is not limited to crew rest requirements and arming and disarming procedures.
4.3 Attitude
The total commitment of all individuals and their respective companies is necessary to achieve the safe use of oilfield explosives. Additionally, companies are expected to maintain the same high standard of explosives safety irrespective of their geographical work locations.
4.4 Technical Innovation
New technologies will be developed that offer opportunities for improved safety and increased operational efficiency. These may fall within the intended scope of this RP but may not be specifically addressed in the current version. Any proposed changes to current procedures as a consequence of new technology shall include a demonstrated safe alternative. This shall include a rigorous review of potential failure points and their consequences (such as a failure mode and effects analysis [FMEA]), validated by an independent third-party organization (ITPO). Operation under such a change shall require prior review by and agreement between the service company and operating company.
The base knowledge of the new technology shall be communicated to the service company by the manufacturer or engineering company.
The ITPO shall certify that the specified equipment, if used in the manner and environment described by the manufacturer, meets the stated requirements. The ITPO shall provide an assessment report detailing its findings and opinion. This report shall be peer-reviewed. The assessment report’s author and reviewer shall hold an accreditation from a reputed national engineering body or equivalent (e.g. C.Eng in the UK, Eur.Eng in Europe, PE by state in the U.S.).
The ITPO shall demonstrate its independence by having no directors or other controlling elements in common with the manufacturer of the specified equipment.
5 Transportation and Security for Oilfield Explosives
5.1 General Explosives and hazardous materials are attractive to those with criminal intent. It is therefore recommended that each user establish consistent security measures.
These should be routinely applied and should be adjusted as appropriate to reflect the threat levels reported by governments or other agencies. However, enhanced security measures may be required when operating in specific geographical areas or markets identified by such agencies, and each user should prepare action plans to be activated in the event of increased threat and in the event of an actual incident. Federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to the security of explosives products must be followed in all cases. In the absence of local laws and regulations, the details provided in this section are recommended as best practices. For additional reference material, refer to IME SLP 27 [1] , IME SLP 17 [2] , and the ATF Publication 5400.15 [3] .
The responsible party for defining and implementing transportation and security measures may be the user (licensed possessor of the explosives) or their designee, or a government agency as designated by federal, state, or local law. The responsible party can change depending on the level of security and when the custody of explosive materials changes in transit.API RP 67 pdf download.API RP 67:2019 pdf free download

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