API RP 5MT:2021 pdf free download

API RP 5MT:2021 pdf free download

API RP 5MT:2021 pdf free download.Pipeline Inspection Documents for Material Traceability and Electronic Test Reports
Any need to cross-check correlation and data accuracy between the certifed MTR and the electronic data package is initially the responsibility of the manufacturer or processor; however, upon transmittal, any responsibility for correlation lies with the current product owner. If an intermediary (e.g., distributor/stockist) takes possession of the electronic data package and resells the product to an end user, the electronic data (as defned within the annexes to this standard) shall not be modifed from the initial transmittal from the manufacturer/processor. Any additional information generated by a distributor/ stockist is outside the scope of this standard. Any data supplied as part of this standard by a manufacturer or processor shall not be considered as a substitute for the certifed MTR inspection document required by the product standard.
4.2 Data Interchange Options
4.2.1 General
Data interchange options are methods that manufacturers may use to deliver MTR inspection document data to customer. The methods provided below are general approaches that could be implemented in various software tools. These options are not comprehensive and may be appropriated to accommodate varying circumstances in data transmission requirements. The specifc data interchange method will be agreed upon between the manufacturer and customer.
4.2.2 Delimited Text File
A delimited text fle stores tabular data in a plain text format. A delimited text fle contains records with felds separated by commas or another feld delimiter. Comma-separated values (CSV) fles are a common delimited text fle, and a spreadsheet is a common application used to read CSV fles. Data transferred in this way is typically emailed or uploaded to a central portal, website, or database.
4.2.3 Web Service
Web services are task-oriented subsets of application programming interfaces (APIs). These act as interfaces between two diferent software applications and are common tools used by vendors to accomplish data transmission.
A web service delivers data over the Internet and exchanges information through a direct application- to-application method using XML, JSON, or other payloads via common protocols, including, but not limited to, HTTPS or SFTP. XML is a data format and markup language with defned rules for encoding documents in a format that is human- and machine-readable. JSON is a data interchange format based on JavaScript.
4.2.4 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) EDI is a computer-to-computer exchange standard for business documents; multiple standards are available for EDI, including ASC X12. EDI is a well-established method that is used as a legal and standardized method to transfer purchasing data between vendor and customers.
4.3 Data Models
4.3.1 General
Data models attempt to provide a guide for the structure, content, and relationships of the MTR inspection document data elements, data types, and domains. The data model acts as both a basic structure and a fexible template for informing alternative solutions that still meet the requirements of each annex as defned in this standard.
This approach allows manufacturers to deliver electronic data in a common and agreed format to any customer requiring compliance with this standard. It also allows operators to receive data in a pre-agreed and predictable format to support integration into the system of record and other software applications.
Steel material tests may be performed at the process level or the individual item (e.g., pipe joint) level. Process- level tests are performed on a defned sampling and prescribed frequency in a test unit, and are not performed on each piece/pipe joint. Test results performed at the process level are applied to all items in the test unit.
4.3.2 API 5L (46 th Edition) PSL 2 Pipe To conform to this standard as it relates to API 5L (46 th Edition) pipe, Annex A shall be implemented. Alternative data model approaches are permitted (e.g., relation table structures with separate tables for various pipe characteristics), providing that all the data included within the MTR as defned by in API 5L (46 th Edition) can be displayed and referenced. Additionally, such adaptations should reconcile the data elements defned in Table A.1.API RP 5MT pdf download.API RP 5MT:2021 pdf free download

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