API RP 1595:2012 pdf free download

API RP 1595:2012 pdf free download

API RP 1595:2012 pdf free download.Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Aviation Pre-Airfield Storage Terminals
5.3 Sampling and Testing
5.3.1 Release Certificates Release Certificate
This document supports any transfer of product and contains at least the following information:
— date and time of loading,
— grade of fuel,
— batch number and batch API Gravity (at 60°F) of the product in the tank from which it originated,
— certification that a representative sample has passed a visual check.
The release certificate shall be dated and signed by an authorized representative of the issuing pre-airfield storage terminals (see Annexes A, B, and C for example documents).
5.3.2 Test Requirements Visual Check
A visual check is conducted to confirm the acceptability of products where the grade is known and no cross-grade contamination is possible. To be acceptable, fuel shall be of the correct color and be visually clear, bright and free from particulate solid matter and undissolved water at normal ambient temperature. Samples for a visual check shall be drawn into clean, clear-glass jars, closed sampling devices (utilizing a transparent collection container) or a stainless steel bucket shall be manufactured with internally coated white porcelain, or other suitable material, and equipped with a bonding cable and clip.
The results of the visual check shall be judged as follows:
— Color—The various grades of aviation gasoline are dyed to aid recognition, while the color of aviation turbine fuels may vary from water white to straw color. When potential contamination from red dyed nonaviation fuels during receipt is possible, use a stainless steel bucket, which shall be internally coated with white porcelain or epoxy and equipped with a bonding cable and clip. (If there is a dispute if red dye contamination has occurred, then use the referee visual test method for determination, which is contained in the Boeing Service Letter, dated 22 November 1996, “Aircraft Use of Dyed Fuels.”)
— Clear and bright—The term “clear” refers to the absence of sediment or emulsion. The term “bright” refers to the sparkling appearance of the fuel having no cloud or haze. These terms are independent of the fuel’s natural color.
— Solid matter—Solid (particulate) matter generally consists of small amounts of rust, sand, dust, scale, etc. suspended in the fuel or settled out on the bottom of the sample container. (Acceptable standards will vary according to the point at which the sample has been drawn. A few specks of dirt are often found in samples drawn from the sumps of unlined tanks and transports and unlined pipe low points, and these do not constitute a test failure.) Sampling through unlined carbon steel tank gauge pipes can be the cause of high particulate, which is not representative of the fuel. Consideration of this shall be taken when obtaining samples from the storage tank.
— Undissolved water—Undissolved water (free water) will appear as droplets on the sides or bulk water on the bottom of the sample container. It may also appear as a cloud or haze (suspended water).

The visual check, especially the examination for solid (particulate) matter, is best carried out by swirling the sample in the container to form a vortex. Any solid (particulate) matter and water droplets will tend to concentrate at the center of the vortex. Control Check This is a visual check plus fuel API Gravity determination.
This check is frequently made to confirm the correct grade and unchanged quality of fuel stocks by comparison of the result of the API Gravity determination with the relevant batch API Gravity. If the temperature corrected API Gravity differs by more than 0.7 API degrees, a possibility of contamination exists and the matter shall be investigated further before the product is accepted for aviation use. It may be necessary to carry out further testing before such acceptance can be given.API RP 1595 pdf download.API RP 1595:2012 pdf free download

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