API MPMS 11.4.1:2003 pdf free download

API MPMS 11.4.1:2003 pdf free download

API MPMS 11.4.1:2003 pdf free download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11—Physical Properties Data Section 4—Properties of Reference Materials Part 1—Density of Water and Water Volumetric Correction Factors for Water Calibration of Volumetric Provers
This Standard speciÞes the density of water to be used in all applicable API MPMS Standards. It also speciÞes the vol- ume correction factor equation for water and demonstrates its use for water calibration of volumetric provers (see API MPMS Chapters 12.2.1, 12.2.3).
2 Scope
This standard is applicable to all API Standards that use the density of water or its volume correction factors.
3 References H. Wagenbreth and H. Blanke, ÒThe Density of Water in the International System of Units and in the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968,Ó Mitteilungen der Physikalish-Technischen Bunde- sanstalt (PTB–Mitt) , 412Ð415, June 1971.
G.S. Kell, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 1967, 12, 66Ð69; ibid, 1975, 20, 97Ð105. N. Bignell, ÒThe Effect of Dissolved Air on the Density of Water,Ó Metrologia, 1983, 19, 57Ð59. J.B. Patterson and E.C. Morris, ÒMeasurement of Absolute Water Density,Ó Metrologia, 31, 277Ð288, 1994.
M. Tanaka, G. Girard, R. Davis, A. Peuto and N. Bignell, ÒRecommended table for the density of water between 0¡C and 40¡C based on recent experimental reports,Ó Metrologia, 38, 301Ð309, 2001.
4 Definitions
4.1 density, absolute: The density of a solid or liquid substance at a speciÞed temperature is the mass of the sub- stance occupying a unit of volume at the speciÞed tempera- ture. Density so deÞned is sometimes referred to as Òtrue densityÓ or as Òdensity in vacuo.Ó When reporting density, the units of mass and volume used and the temperature of the determination must be stated (for example, grams per milliliter at 15¡C). Density is assumed to be for water at atmo- spheric pressure unless otherwise stated.
4.2 volume correction factor (VCF): The density of a liquid at temperature t divided by its density at a chosen ref- erence temperature. Multiplying a liquidÕs volume mea- sured at temperature t by the VCF provides the volume of the liquid at the chosen reference temperature. Volume Cor- rection Factors are assumed to be for water at atmospheric pressure unless otherwise stated. Certain API MPMS Chapters call this factor CTDW.
5 Implementation Procedures The implementation procedures below are the standard. Representative density values are presented in the Appendix A for programming veriÞcation purposes only.
The previous standard (API MPMS 11.2.3, 1984), which this Standard replaces, was based on the internationally accepted work of Wagenbreth and Blanke, which produced a density of 999.012 kg/m 3 at 60¡F. In 1994, Patterson and Morris published a paper proposing a new equation based on their laboratory data of VSMOW (see Appendix B), which was accepted by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). In 2001, a review (Tanaka, et al. ) proposed a new equation regressed from the data of several researchers (including that of Patterson and Morris).
Although they are aware of this paper, the NIST at this writing has chosen to continue to accept the work of Patterson and Morris.
This Standard is therefore based on that same work, applicable between 1¡C and 40¡C (see Appendix C). The following equation expresses the density of water as a function of temperature in degrees Celsius: (1) r tC r 0 1 ADt BDt 2 CDt 3 DDt 4 EDt 5 + + + +
5.2 VOLUME CORRECTION FACTORS FOR WATER The volume correction factor equation for water with respect to a chosen reference temperature is the density at temperature t ( r t C ) divided by the density of water at that ref- erence temperature. For 15¡C, it is:
The output of equation (3), (4), and (5) is rounded to no more than 6 decimal places for further use. Although VCFs are assumed to be for water at atmospheric pressure unless otherwise stated, the VCFs for water under pressure are slightly smaller. As this difference is very small, application of such VCFs should be contingent upon agreement of both parties to a transaction after evaluation of the difference. API MPMS 11.4.1 pdf download.API MPMS 11.4.1:2003 pdf free download

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