API St 18LCM-2017 pdf free download

API St 18LCM-2017 pdf free download

API St 18LCM-2017 pdf free download.Product Life Cycle Management System Requirements for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
The procedure shall include the following requirements.
a) Identify the original technical specification and applicable industry product specification requirements.
b) Identify deviations from the original technical specification and/or industry product specification requirements.
c) Determine the verifiable product characteristics that are affected by the deviations from the technical specification.
d) Identify product verification methods and techniques including acceptance criteria for the changed product characteristics.
e) Identify the required revisions to the technical specification.
f) Create a revised technical specification and perform design verification activities.
g) Determine and perform required design validation activities.
h) Establish requirements for approval.
i) Document a revised product definition. Product definition changes shall be reviewed, verified, validated, and approved before use. These changes shall require the same controls as those used in the previous product definition development. Product definition changes shall be communicated to the owner of the managed product. The review of product definition changes shall include evaluation of the effect of the changes on the product and/or its constituent components already in service. Records of product definition changes, reviews of those changes, and actions shall be maintained until the product is decommissioned in accordance with the LCMP (see 7.1 0). NOTE Management of change may apply to product definition or original performance requirements as specified in API Q2.
7 Life Cycle Management Plan Requirements
7.1 General The service provider shall develop, document, and maintain the life cycle management plan (LCMP) to ensure conformance to applicable requirements. The service provider shall ensure the execution of the LCMP.
7.2 Plan Content The LCMP is a service quality plan and shall address all of the service quality plan requirements of API Q2. In addition to the requirements of Q2, the LCMP shall address the following:
a) description of the managed product (see 7.4). For LCM-3, managed products shall include reference to applicable API product specification;
b) identification, marking, and traceability (see 7.5);
c) repair and maintenance (see 7.6);
d) installation, physical arrangement, and service environment (see 7.7);
e) recording of usage history (see 7.8);
f) preservation of product (see 7.9);
g) decommissioning (see 7.1 0).
Items of the LCMP identified as not applicable to a managed product shall be justified and documented.
NOTE 1 Requirements addressed in the LCMP may be included directly or by reference to other documents available to the service provider.
NOTE 2 A single LCMP may cover multiple products or different configurations of a single product.
7.3 Plan Approval
The LCMP and any revision shall be documented and approved by the service provider. Records of LCMP approvals shall be maintained. When required by contract, the LCMP and any revisions shall be communicated to the owner.
7.4 Description of the Managed Product
The LCMP shall include a description of the managed product to be covered by the LCMP and the required LCM status to which the item is maintained.
NOTE Characteristics such as size, model, type, function, location, capacity, or manufacturer may be used to describe the managed product.
7.5 Identification, Marking, and Traceability
The LCMP shall specify or make reference to method, location, and content of marks applied to managed products. Traceability requirements for managed products shall be specified as part of the LCMP in accordance with requirements of product definition and applicable LCM status (see 5.3.1 .4, or LCMP shall contain the minimum marking information (including maintenance and replacement) required by the applicable industry specification, the current LCM status and be traceable to the service provider. When marking indicates managed product capabilities, then marking shall indicate capabilities in accordance with the product definition. Records of identification, marking, and traceability shall be maintained.
NOTE Where the mark cannot be physically applied to the product, it may be applied to a tag, container, or related item. Existing traceability and identification markings may be used for this purpose if appropriate.
7.6 Repair and Maintenance The life cycle management plan shall include repair and maintenance requirements to maintain product conformance to the stated product definition.API St 18LCM pdf download.API St 18LCM-2017 pdf free download

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