API RP 554-1:2021 pdf free download

API RP 554-1:2021 pdf free download

API RP 554-1:2021 pdf free download.Process Control Systems— Project Execution and Process Control System Ownership
This document addresses recommended practices for identifying scope, planning, executing automation, and owning and operating the results of projects associated with instrument and control systems. This document does not address implementation of advanced control system applications that may accompany an instrument and control system project. See API 557 for recommendations for advanced control systems. 5 Project Planning
5.1 General As mentioned above, the increased business roles of PCSs require that these functions be carefully considered when executing a project and that the PCS receives proper attention during project execution.
The typical steps in execution of a project are briefy described below along with the additional considerations required for a well- designed PCS. API 554, Part 1 identifed that a process control functional specifcation should be prepared for all projects as part of the project scope development.
This specifcation should be carefully reviewed to assure that all requirements are recognized and included in the project execution plan. This may require specialized resources and additional schedule development. Most instrument and control systems projects fall into one of several broad classes. The resources, skill levels, and planning and coordination requirements will usually be strongly dependent upon the class of project. The broad classes are generally either: — instrument and control systems required for a new processing unit or set of units that are associated with a new grass roots facility or expansion of an existing one;
— instrument and control systems modifcations and additions required for a modifcation to an existing unit; or
— a general retroft of the automation systems for an existing unit or set of units.
If a project’s scope, quality, cost, and schedule are to be controlled, it is imperative that sufcient preliminary engineering be done to develop a project plan in enough detail to support the level of estimate required. The management of a project should assure that sufcient resources are supplied to allow for adequate PCS engineering be done and that this work not be deferred in favor of mechanical or other activities. Insufcient front-end engineering for PCSs can easily cascade into the inability to execute detailed design activities in a timely and efcient manner.
The planning process for any of these types of automation projects consists of:
— identifcation of major portions of the work to be performed;
— quantifcation of the numbers and types of equipment involved; and
— the schedule for engineering and installation.
This process also should provide time and resources for activities that are not necessarily equipment-oriented, such as application development, safety protective system identifcation and design, advanced control or complex applications, system security requirements, etc.
The amount of information necessary for scope defnition and planning of these projects will vary with the type of project and the phase of the planning for the overall project. One often neglected aspect of instrumentation and control projects is modifcations that are required in areas outside of the immediate area of a plant being constructed or modifed. These scope items often deal with PCS infrastructure, power distribution, utilities, feed, intermediate and product distribution, tankage, and similar areas. These areas are often the most difcult to engineer because they tend to be geographically scattered, may interface to diferent existing control systems, existing systems may be poorly documented, and infrastructure may not be adequate to support the new work without upgrade.
5.2 Defne/Execute Project Scope
During the initial project phases, the PCS functional specifcation should have been developed and used as the basis for preliminary estimates and for further scope development for project defnition and execution. The defne/execute project scope development process should address hardware and software selection as well as more detailed analysis of the project execution plan and schedule. The following discussions highlight several of the signifcant items that should be addressed during these scope development activities.API RP 554-1 pdf download.API RP 554-1:2021 pdf free download

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