API RP 80:2020 pdf free download

API RP 80:2020 pdf free download

API RP 80:2020 pdf free download.Defnition of Onshore Gas Gathering Lines
4.4.1 Basic Production Operation Defnition Concepts The production function may include several processes required to prepare the gas for transportation. Such processes may include separation, dehydration, hydrocarbon liquid stripping or processing, desulfurization, CO 2 or N 2 removal, and compression (including series, or staged, compression) used to enhance the productive capacity of the wells. Production operations may include any number of operators and can vary from one well to large consolidated lease blocks with many wells. A gas producer with a gathering line connection may grant other producers access via production piping to that connection. The piping from the individual wells and the equipment and facilities used to treat the gas are all a part of the production operation. All or part of the gas from a production operation may go directly to a distribution facility, a transmission facility, or a large volume end user without entering a gathering line. The existence of customer taps on a production line does not afect the line’s functional defnition as a production operation.
5 Applications This section is organized to complement the defnition of gas gathering with representative examples of production operations and gas gathering systems. The scenarios described in these examples may occur separately or in various combinations. They provide several applications of the defnition concepts described in this recommended practice. They are not intended to represent every possible production or gathering scenario.
5.1 Examples of Gas Gathering
5.1.1 Gas Well Production Facilities Refer to Scenario A in Figure 11. Several gas wells produce through production piping to their respective on-lease production facilities. The furthermost downstream point of each of the three production operations is located at the same site as the production separation, sweetening, and/or dehydration facilities, and is the beginning of gathering.
5.1.2 Gathering to a Processing Plant, With Extension Downstream to the Point of Connection with a Transmission Pipeline Refer to Scenario A in Figure 11. Gas from three distinct production operations is commingled, compressed, processed, and delivered to a transmission line. The decision trees in Figure A.3 and Figure A.4 are marked to illustrate the determination as to the end point of gathering in this application. There is only one gas processing plant. The gathering function extends downstream from the gas processing plant to the point of connection with a transmission pipeline, at which point the gathering function ends.
5.1.3 Production to Off-Lease Commingled Facility Refer to Scenario B in Figure 11. Several gas wells from diferent leases are produced through production piping to a commingled production separation facility. The furthermost downstream point of the production operation is the beginning of transportation. NOTE Lease boundaries are irrelevant in the determination of the production function.
5.1.4 Gathering from a Single Production Operation, With Extension Downstream to the Point of Connection with a Transmission Pipeline Refer to Scenario B in Figure 11. Gas from a production operation is gathered to a transmission line. The decision trees in Figure A.5 and Figure A.6 are marked to illustrate the determination as to the end point of gathering in this application. The gathering function extends further downstream from the production operation to the point of connection with a transmission pipeline, at which point the gathering function ends.
5.1.5 Production Directly to Transmission Line with No Intermediate Operations Refer to Scenario C in Figure 11. A single gas well produces through a production line directly to a transmission line with no intermediate production operations other than metering, and no gathering. The furthermost downstream point of the production operation in this scenario is the point of connection to the transmission line and is the beginning of transportation. This scenario illustrates that there is not always a gathering function between production and transmission or distribution.API RP 80 pdf download.API RP 80:2020 pdf free download

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