API Bull 587:2021 pdf free download

API Bull 587:2021 pdf free download

API Bull 587:2021 pdf free download.Guidance for the Development of Ultrasonic Examiner Qualifcation Programs
4.4 Alternate Specimen Designs
To address specifc site applications, the owner/user may choose to conduct performance demonstration tests on specimen designs and materials diferent than those shown in Figures 2–12. When alternative designs and materials are used, the owner/user is responsible for developing protocols consistent with this guideline.
4.5 Test Set Validation Whether purchased or manufactured by the owner/user, each specimen in a test shall be given a validation assessment to determine the types of defects present and their locations prior to utilization in a performance demonstration test program.
The purposes of this validation assessment are:
a) to test and validate that each faw can be correctly assessed by the type of ultrasonic equipment and methods for each examination;
b) to disqualify faws that have not been properly manufactured to produce an unambiguous test signal; and c) to establish the ultrasonic ground truth for the performance demonstration specimens.
4.5.1 These validation assessments should be conducted by a minimum of three experienced personnel for the ultrasonic methods, equipment, and procedures that are typical and available for use during candidate testing. The results from these examinations should be averaged or agreed by the consensus of the expert personnel. The ground truth shall be documented by the program administrator.
4.5.2 Radiography or other non-destructive tests may be used to help defne defect location and length.
4.5.3 To the degree practicable, care should be taken to ensure that no single test is signifcantly more difcult to examine than any other test set. The determination of the difculty of the test sets shall be assessed by the owner/user during the test set validation activities.
4.5.4 Results from these validation assessments shall be documented and shall be stored in a secure location by the owner/user.
5 Exam Security
A key ingredient for an efective owner/user performance demonstration test program is the ability of the owner/user to maintain the security of test specimens, test specimen ground truth, and candidate results. In this regard, the owner/user shall designate an individual to be responsible for maintaining the security of the ultrasonic examiner qualifcation programs at the site where performance demonstration tests will be conducted. The owner/user shall also designate an individual to be responsible for test administration at the test site. The individual responsible for security of the ultrasonic examiner qualifcation programs may also serve as the test administrator.|
5.1 Exam Monitoring The exam room shall be monitored by the proctor or an approved delegate during the entire exam period. Video recording and monitoring of the exam area is permitted in lieu of a proctor for short periods of time.
5.2 Pre- and Post-Test The owner/user shall identify, store, and maintain performance demonstration specimens in a secured location before and after any performance demonstration test. In addition, the owner/user shall also establish detailed security procedures for use when specimens are shipped from one site to an alternate site. Specimens that are used for training may not be used in performance demonstration exams.
5.2.1 All performance demonstration specimens shall be secured in their designated storage/shipping container while the specimens are not in use. These storage/shipping containers shall be under lock and key prior to and after performance demonstration tests. Test sets that are not in use during a performance demonstration test shall remain in a secure environment until they are required for use by a candidate. The test administrator at the test site shall maintain control of the key for all locked storage containers.
5.2.2 When specimens are shipped from one location to an alternate site, the individual designated by the owner/user as being responsible for the ultrasonic examiner qualifcation programs at the originating test site shall prepare shipping instructions that identify a specifc individual at the alternate site to receive the shipment, and to be responsible for maintaining the security of the test specimens. The owner/user shall verify that the shipment has been received by the individual identifed in the shipping instructions.API Bull 587 pdf download.API Bull 587:2021 pdf free download

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