API St 6FB:2019 pdf free download

API St 6FB:2019 pdf free download

API St 6FB:2019 pdf free download.Standard for Fire Test for End Connectors
The purpose of this standard is to establish the requirements for testing and evaluating the pressure-containing performance of end connectors designated in API standards when exposed to fre or fre with bending. The per- formance requirements of this standard establish standard qualifcation criteria for all sizes and pressure ratings of end connectors. This standard establishes acceptable levels for external leakage through an end connector after exposure to a fre for a 30-minute time period.
The fre exposure has been established on the basis that it represents the maximum time required to extinguish most fres. Fires of greater duration are of a major magnitude with conse- quences greater than those anticipated in this test.
This standard covers but is not limited to API 6A and API 6D end connectors.
This standard does not intend to address the qualifcation of valves, wellhead seals, or other related equipment.
2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies, except that new editions may be used on issue and shall become mandatory upon the effective date specifed by the publisher or 6 months from the date of the revision (where no effective date is specifed).
API Specifcation 6A, Specifcation for Wellhead and Tree Equipment
API Specifcation 6D, Specifcation for Pipeline Valves and Piping Valves API Technical Report 6AF, Technical Report on Capabilities of API Flanges Under Combinations of Load
API Technical Report 6AF1, Technical Report on Temperature Derating on API Flanges under Combination Loading
API Technical Report 6AF2, Technical Report on Capabilities ofAPI Integral Flanges Under Combinations of Loading—Phase II
3 Terms, Defnitions, Acronyms,  Abbreviations, Symbols, and Units
3.1 Terms and Defnitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following defnitions and the defnitions in API 6A and API 6D shall apply. When identical terms are defned in API 6A and API 6D and this standard, the following defnitions shall apply.
3.1.1 connector family Group of connectors that are based on the same design specifcations or standards3.1.2 pressure class Numerical pressure design class expressed in accordance with the ASME rating class.
4 Fire Test
4.1 General
4.1.1 Procedures The supplier/manufacturer shall develop procedures for conducting the fre test. These procedures shall be doc- umented and included in the fnal report of the results. The procedures shall include pre- and post-test inspection activities and identify critical areas to be inspected. The supplier/manufacturer shall document all test parameters and results of the evaluations that demonstrate conformance to this document. Fire testing shall be discontinued if the product or system fails to perform within the limits specifed. An exception to this occurs when such failure(s) are determined to be the result of a failure with the test facility or test fxture, provided the failure and its correction do not affect the validity of the test results.
4.1.2 Personnel Preparation, testing, and approval of results shall be performed by qualifed person(s).
4.1.3 Measuring and Monitoring Equipment Measuring and monitoring equipment used during the testing process shall be calibrated in accordance with the documented requirements of the supplier/manufacturer or test facility. Measuring and monitoring equipment shall be used within its calibrated range. All pressures are defned as gauge pressures unless otherwise specifed and shall be recorded on time-based equipment. Temperature shall be recorded on time-based equipment.
Leakage rates shall be in milliliters per inch of mean primary seal circumference per minute (milliliters per mil- limeter of mean primary seal circumference per minute), averaged over the duration of the specifc test period. 4.1.4 Test Report A test report shall be prepared for each test.
It shall be approved by a qualifed person and retained as part of the design validation records for the product. The report shall include the following information at a minimum:
― validation test performed;
― description of the tested items, including size, type, model, and unique identifer;
― test facility name, location, and person(s) performing the testing;
― date(s) of testing conducted;
― test schematic or photos;
― procedures used, records of results, and discussion of those results;
― results of specifc pre- and post-test evaluations;
― summary of results, including a discussion whether or not the test was successful;
― approvals and date of the report.
NOTE Records may be electronic or hard copy.API St 6FB pdf download.API St 6FB:2019 pdf free download

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