API STD 6AR:2019 pdf free download

API STD 6AR:2019 pdf free download

API STD 6AR:2019 pdf free download.Repair and Remanufacture of Wellhead and Tree Equipment Bending? Inspection
Inspection for bending shall conform to ASME B18.2.9. Hardness Testing
For RSL 2:
― Hardness testing of alloy and carbon steel fasteners shall be performed on all fasteners and conform to API 20E, BSL-2.
― Hardness testing of corrosion-resistant alloy fasteners shall be performed on all fasteners and conform to API 20F, BSL-3. Surface? Nondestructive? Examination? (NDE)
For RSL 2:
― Surface NDE of alloy and carbon steel fasteners shall conform to API 20E, BSL-3.
― Surface NDE of corrosion-resistant alloy fasteners shall conform to API 20F, BSL-3.
10.7 Non-metallic Seals
For RSL 1, if disassembly is performed and the nonmetallic seals are exposed, the seals shall not be reused.
For RSL 2, RSL 3, and RSL 4, nonmetallic seals shall not be reused.
10.8 Metallic Seals
If a connection containing an API ring gasket is disassembled, the ring gasket shall not be reused.
If a connection containing another type of metal seal is disassembled, that seal shall not be reused unless allowed by the product defnition.
10.9 Tapped Holes for Closure Bolting
For RSL 2, RSL 3, RSL 4, and when disassembling for RSL 1, the tapped holes for use with closure bolting shall be examined per the following:
― measured thread depth;
― gauged per product defnition;
― visually inspected for corrosion and damage.
11? Factory Acceptance Testing for Assembled Equipment
The quality control requirements for factory acceptance testing of assembled equipment shall conform to API 6A for the PSL corresponding to the RSL to which the equipment is being repaired or remanufactured. When pressure-containing parts have not been replaced or remanufactured, the hydrostatic body test pressure is only required to be minimum of the rated working pressure.
12 Quality Control Records
12.1 Replacement Part Records The requirements for quality control records for replacement parts shall conform to the quality control record requirements of API 6A for the PSL corresponding to the RSL to which the equipment is being repaired or remanufactured.
NOTE The material records of reused parts (parts from the equipment being repaired/remanufactured) are not required.
12.2 Assembled  Equipment Records
For repair/remanufacture activities, the requirements for quality control records for assembled equipment shall conform to the quality control record requirements of API 6A for the PSL corresponding to the RSL to which the equipment is being repaired or remanufactured.
NOTE The requirements for replacement part records may also apply (see 12.1).
12.3 Records Furnished to Purchasers The requirements for quality control records furnished to the purchaser shall conform to the quality control record requirements of API 6A for the PSL corresponding to the RSL to which the equipment is being repaired or remanufactured,
NOTE For RSL 4 repair or remanufacture, reused parts do not require records furnished to the purchaser. A certifcate of conformance shall be provided and state that the equipment was repaired or remanufactured in conformance with the requirements of this standard. The certifcate shall include the repair/remanufacture organization identity, date of repair/remanufacture, RSL, and description of the product.
12.4 Records Retention Quality control records required by this standard shall be retained by the repairer/remanufacturer for a minimum of 10 years following the date of repair or remanufacture as marked on the equipment associated with the records.
13  Equipment  Marking–Assembly
13.1 General Equipment repaired or remanufactured shall be marked in conformance with the requirements of this standard. Repair or remanufacture marking requirements shall be in addition to and do not replace the original marking requirements of API 6A. The original markings and previous repair/remanufacture markings shall be retained on repaired or remanufactured equipment.
13.2 Repair and Remanufacture Markings
The RSL marking shall be low-stress dot stamping or a nameplate, and adjacent to the original PSL markings or nameplate. The RSL markings shall include:
a) “RMFR” for remanufacture or “RPR” for repair;
b) repair/remanufacture company and location identifcation;
c) updated product defnition (material class, temperature rating.API STD 6AR pdf download.API STD 6AR:2019 pdf free download

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