API SPEC 10A:2019 pdf free download

API SPEC 10A:2019 pdf free download

API SPEC 10A:2019 pdf free download.Cements and Materials for Well Cementing.
9.1.3 Cube Mold Base and Cover Plates Glass, brass, or stainless steel plates having a minimum thickness of 5 mm (0.2 in.) are used. Cover plates may be grooved on the surface that contacts the top of the cement.
9.1.4 Water Curing Baths General A curing bath or tank having dimensions that allow the complete immersion of a compressive strength mold(s) in water and are capable of maintaining the prescribed test temperatures within 2 °C (3 °F) shall be used. The two types of water curing baths shall have the requirements given in 9.1 .4.2 and 9.1 .4.3. Atmospheric Pressure Water Curing Bath An atmospheric pressure curing bath is a vessel for curing specimens at atmospheric pressure and temperatures of 66 °C (1 50 °F) or less that has a circulating system. Pressurized Curing Bath (curing chamber) A pressurized curing bath is a vessel suitable for curing specimens at temperatures up to 1 1 0 °C (230 °F) and under pressure that can be controlled at 20.7 MPa ±3.4 MPa (3000 lbf/in.² 500 lbf/in.²). The vessel shall be capable of fulfilling the appropriate specification schedule given in Table 7.
9.1.5 Water Cooling Bath The cooling bath dimensions shall be such that the specimens being cooled from the curing temperature can be completely submerged in water maintained at 27 °C ±3 °C (80 °F ±5 °F).
9.1.6 Temperature-measuring System General The temperature-measuring system shall meet the requirements shown in Annex C. This includes thermometers or digital thermometers, thermocouples, temperature controllers on water curing baths, curing chambers, cooling baths, and those that are used separate from or are not an integral part of the instrument. The calibration procedure described in Annex D is commonly used. Temperature-measuring Device A thermometer or digital thermometer with a minimum range from 20 °C to 90 °C (70 °F to 1 80 °F), with minimum scale divisions not exceeding 1 °C (2 °F), or a thermocouple with a minimum range of 20 °C to 1 20 °C (70 °F to 250 °F) shall be used.
9.1.7 Puddling Rod A corrosion-resistant puddling rod of diameter 6 mm ±2 mm (0.25 in. ±0.08 in.) shall be used.
9.1.8 Sealant Sealants are commonly used to seal the exterior contact points of the specimen mold and have a consistency that permits ease of use, good sealing properties to prevent leakage, water resistance, and inertness to the cement. Sealants are non-corrosive when subjected to the curing temperatures and pressures given in Table 8.
9.1.9 Mold-release Agent (optional) A thin layer of mold-release agent may be applied to the interior surfaces of the mold to prevent the sample from being damaged when removed from the mold. The mold-release agent should comply with 9.1 .8.
9.1.10 Timer The timer shall be accurate to within ±5 seconds per hour. If not within required accuracy, the units shall be adjusted or replaced.
9.1.11 Caliper Device A caliper accurate to 0.1 mm ( 1 / 1 6 in.) at a minimum shall be used to measure dimensions of cement cube specimens.
9.2 Procedure
9.2.1 Preparation of Molds The base of assembled molds shall be watertight. The interior faces of the molds and the contact surfaces of the plates shall be clean, dry, and may be lightly coated with release agent.
9.2.2 Preparation and Placement of Slurry Slurry
Three or more specimens of cement slurry shall be prepared in accordance with Section 7. Placing Slurry in Molds
To prepare each sample, the following procedure shall be followed.
a) Place the slurry in the prepared molds in a layer approximately one-half of the mold depth.
b) Place the slurry in all the specimen compartments before commencing the puddling operation.
c) Use the puddling rod to puddle the slurry in an evenly distributed pattern (27 times per specimen).
d) After puddling the first layer, stir the remaining slurry by hand, using a puddling rod or spatula to minimize segregation.
e) Fill the molds to overflowing and puddle the same as for the first layer.
f) After puddling, use a straight-edge to strike off the excess slurry level with the top of the mold.
g) Discard specimens in molds that leak.
h) Place a prepared cover plate on top of the mold.API SPEC 10A pdf download.API SPEC 10A:2019 pdf free download

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