API RP 621 pdf download

API RP 621:2010 pdf free download

API RP 621:2010 pdf free download.Reconditioning of Metallic Gate, Globe, and Check Valves
4.3 Preparation For Shipment To Reconditioner
Valves to be shipped to the reconditioner shall:
1) Be in the open or partial open position;
2) Have all residual product drained and/or flushed out of the body;
3) Be decontaminated sufficiently so that it can be disassembled and handled without special precautions;
4) Have end flange gaskets removed.
4.4 Valve Rerating
If a valve is required to be de-rated as a result of the repair process, the new rating shall be either approved by the Owner, or the valve shall be scrapped. If approved, the old rating shall be removed and replaced with the new rating.
5 Inspection, Identification, and Disassembly of Valves
5.1 General
5.1.1 Immediately upon receipt, valves shall be marked to identify the Owner.
5.1.2 Valves shall be visually inspected and classified as 1) valves capable of being reconditioned, or 2) valves to be scrapped.
5.1.3 For valves that cannot be economically repaired, consideration shall be given to salvaging as many usable parts as possible for use only in valves of the same manufacturer, type, and material.
5.1.4 Scrapped valves and scrapped valve parts shall be disposed of in accordance with their Owner’s instructions.
5.2 Identification Number
5.2.1 Each valve shall be assigned a unique identification number that is traceable back to its Owner’s shipping documentation or other pertinent information such as special instructions, records of previous reconditioning, etc.
5.2.2 Salvaged usable parts (excluding hand wheels) shall be identified as to the Owner, and the identification shall include the name of the valve manufacturer, the size, type, pressure class, and trim of the valve. The unique identification number shall start with an “R.”
5.2.3 If a valve or salvaged usable part is to be stored for a period of time before entering the reconditioning process, the valve or salvaged usable part shall be stamped with its identification number as specified above.
Alternatively, a tag with the number shall be attached to the valve or salvaged usable part. Tag shall be of a type and material that resists damage, fading, and inadvertent removal.
5.3 Traveler Documents
5.3.1 An Owner-approved traveler document or electronic file shall be developed and maintained for each valve and shall reference the valve identification number.
5.3.2 Traveler information shall be accumulated through the reconditioning process, and shall constantly reflect the current status of repair, parts replaced, and work still to be performed. Traveler shall also reflect any dimensional changes as a result of the reconditioning process.
5.3.3 Unless otherwise specified, traveler information shall be archived by the reconditioner for a minimum of ten years.
5.4 Disassembly and Cleaning of Valves
5.4.1 Valves to be reconditioned shall be completely disassembled.
5.4.2 Old packing, gaskets, and bonnet bolting shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with owner’s instructions and/or applicable regulations.
5.4.3 Tags from previous reconditioning shall be removed and the tag, or data from the tag, shall be placed in the reconditioned valve record document. OEM tags, if still attached to the valve, shall be removed.
5.4.4 Immediately after disassembly, the valve’s newly assigned identification number shall be metal stamped onto the valve’s closure element, stem/shaft, seat rings if removed, and any other major part. Stamped markings shall remain on the individual valve components after the reconditioning process is completed and the valve is returned to the Owner.
a) Stamping shall be on non-functional surfaces and shall be made with low stress stamps.
b) If stamping is not practical, parts shall be tagged or electro-etched. However, all stems and closure elements for valves NPS 2 (DN 50) and larger shall be marked by stamping.
5.4.5 Unless a specific cleaning method is specified by the Owner, valve parts shall be thoroughly cleaned by any usual method, such as steam, chemical, sand/bead, or steel shot blasting. Finished surfaces that may be damaged during the cleaning process shall be protected.
5.4.6 Cleaning process shall remove all or nearly all paint, grease, rust, and product from both internal and external surfaces.
6 Repair of Valve Parts
6.1 General
6.1.1 Welding Welding procedures and welders shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Welding procedures shall be submitted to the Owner for approval prior to the start of welding.API RP 621 pdf download.API RP 621 pdf download

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